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american boot movement

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Yesterday me and my bff's went to Little 5, to meet up with our other friends and to also sell some clothes to rag-o-rama. I didn't get as much as I expected, they damn near took all of my clothes (win some...)

(Denim Vest & Black Denim Jeans-Levi's; Boots-Rag-O-Rama; Plaid Button Down-Hollister; T-Shirt-TJ Maxx) 
Oddly enough everybody had on boots and they were all different kinds (luckily). I had the pleasure of playing the cowboy of the group. I love these boots!
Posted by : Nickhemiah.

tangerine chef.

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Appetizing right? I cooked that! #POW

(Jacket-Topman; Pants-H&M; Scarf-Old Navy; Boots-Franco Fortini; Hoodie-Hell if I know)
I felt moved by the Food Ghawd to go and slave away my life in the kitchen. I made shrimp, fries, and cookies (they didnt live long enough to make it to the photo portion of their life. RIP)
They muffins will be made tomorrow, but the package was so pretty and they went with the color scheme of the photos so i threw caution to the cooking oil scented wind and snapped a pic.
This post had a nice orange, brown, gold thing going so i decided to snap a pic of myself to go along with it.
(and yes this is what i cooked in) 

P.S-luckily my clothes caught none of the scent. Whew!
Posted by : Nickhemiah.

eye of the tiger and will of the deer.

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So i just found out my spirit animal is the deer. How sweet? Now when i watch Bambi, i can have a emotional and personal connection with the prince of the forest.

"Deer's medicine includes gentleness in word, thought and touch. The ability to listen, grace and appreciation for the beauty of balance. Understanding of what's necessary for survival, power of gratitude and giving, ability to sacrifice for the higher good, connection to the woodland goddess, alternative paths to a goal..."

"Deer teaches us how powerful it is to be of gentle demeanour, to exert keen observation and sensitivity. Deer's are in tune with nature and all it comprises. They are sacred carriers of peace and show those with this power animal how to open their hearts and love unconditionally. "

Safe to say im a nice, loving person, agree?

Posted by : Nickhemiah.


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Hope Christmas was good to you like it was to me! Most of these pictures are of what i got and how i plan to use them in my conquest for one big spectacular birthday gift ( May 7th).

Steering Wheel is a picture of my (future) car. I unfortunately have to wait for the minor problems to be fixed and i can barely contain my self. Even watching Little Miss Sunshine and quoting every other line couldn't stop me from looking out the window and fantasizing. 
Fur Coat is my gift to myself. I saw it, Fashion Ghawd moved me, and i bought it. Simple enough right? 
I absolutely LOVE the Nylon Street View books, they are amazing, so i was shocked to see my grandmother actually went into urban outfitters, and bought it for me. 1. She went to Urban Outfitters (holy shit) 2. She bought something from in there (faints from disbelief)
AND LASTLY, meet Braughn. Yes, i named my camera. We meet two days ago, and it was love at first sight (Madonna's Get Together starts a slow build-up in my mind). I opened my gift and say this beautiful light blue-green box and a preview of what braughn would look like but when i opened it, he look so much more sexier in person (Song plays louder). I had been stalking him for months and now to finally have him here (psycho much?) i couldn't contain myself! (Song on full blast).
Needless to say, but will be said anyways, I love my gift.

P.S- Braughn is my boyfriend until further notice, thank you. 
Posted by : Nickhemiah.

floral winter.

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(Blazer-Old Navy; Pearl Necklace-Topshop; Tank Top, Shades, & Floral Print Wallet-Urban Outfitters; Floral Print Pants-H&M; Boots-Aldo's 

My bestfriend and I decided to take a trip to the museum today (we actually had this day planned out several weeks ago, and this is the only day we actually managed to initiate it successfully). Being that this was downtown Atlanta and we don't have a dime to our names, we parked about a block away by the park, which in retrospect, seemed like an awesome idea, but the bitter cold wind and my tank top did NOT get along. There were so many interesting pieces all over the exhibit and i wanted pics, BUT they had guards with (NOTE:exaggeration!) high powered rifles stationed at every turn, so i wasn't in a pressing my luck type mood. Afterwards we snapped a couple pics, grabbed some well deserved grub, and sped home to do absolutely nothing! Ah, what a simple life I lead.

Oh, actually we started planning for the shots party we're having tomorrow but thats another story for another post (spoiler much?!!)...

I was feeling funky (or whatever adjective fits best) today, so i went ahead and broke out my christmas present to myself (one of many), my floral print H&M pants, which i absolutely love. This will NOT be the last time you see these, kid you not!

P.S- Happy Holidays all you hippies out there! Love, Nick =)
Posted by : Nickhemiah.

metal love.

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These are just a couple pieces from Pamela Love's Spring 2011 collection. This collection of jewelry/weaponry was inspired by the classical elements of earth, wind/air, fire, and water. I love it! the pieces are uniquely shaped and look sturdy (note the HUGE spikes on a few of them). It seems that early 2011 is shaping up to be indian/african/spiritual/shape inspired when it comes to jewelry. I can't wait to come by a couple of these pieces myself, only thing wrong, i want some rose colored ones!

Posted by : Nickhemiah.